
75 Pins
Thinking About Building a Geodesic Dome? Don't.
When you're living at 7,750 feet above sea level, with a summer growing season of 80 days, at best, between killing freezes, how can you grow your own food? The answer, as it turns out, is pretty cool: A geodesic dome solar greenhouse.
15 Cheap & Easy DIY Greenhouse Projects
Awesome collection of projects as well as tutorials on how to make your very own DIY greenhouse
notSupermum: Recreate spring with your garden greenhouse
42 Best DIY Greenhouses ( Great Tutorials & Plans! ) - A Piece of Rainbow
21 DIY Greenhouses with Great Tutorials: Ultimate collection of THE BEST tutorials on how to build amazing DIY greenhouses, hoop tunnels and cold frames! Lots of inspirations to get you started! - A Piece of Rainbow
"Silence ça Pousse" et la serre de Stephane Marie | Serres et Fer­ron­ne­ries d'Antan
“Silence ça Pousse” et la serre de Stephane Marie | Serres et Fer­ron­ne­ries d’Antan
$300 Underground Greenhouse Grows Food Year Round; An Extraordinary Walipini - Bio Prepper
$300 Underground Greenhouse Grows Food Year Round; An Extraordinary Walipini
LEXAN™ Polycarbonate for Greenhouses, Skylights, Sunrooms - In Business since 1994 - Sundance Supply® llc
This is how I want to rebuild my greenhouse | Attached Greenhouse Brown Trim
Building a permanent greenhouse with cattle panels - part 1 - HOMEGROWN
attached lean-to shed made out of cattle panels - use as storage or extra greenhouse by stefanie
Cedar Lean-to Greenhouse Lean-to Greenhouse | Cedar Greenhouse Sale
Lean to greenhouse - They had a lean to greenhouse in the homesteading book The Good Life and said they had fresh salads all winter long.
When to Vent Cold Frames – Mother Earth News
Cold frames offer a simple way to protect plants from frost, but take care to vent these season extension devices to avoid overheating your plants on sunny days.