
11 Pins
Foraged Pieces of a Michigan Forest Encased in Delicately Laser-Cut Wooden Pendants
Erin LaRocque | resin jewelry | nature-inspired jewelry | wood jewelry | spring accessories
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Real Pink Roses Resin Bangle with Leaves. Handmade Art Bracelet. Romantic Roses Bangle with Baby Breath White Flowers. 树脂真正的玫瑰手链
Dieser Artikel ist nicht verfügbar | Etsy
Gold Halskette mit Holz-Harz-Anhänger - handgemacht aus Holz und türkis blauem…
Blueberry Cake with Coconut Frosting (gluten-free & vegan) - Nirvana Cakery
Blueberry Cake with Coconut Frosting Recipe. Healthy, gluten-free and vegan celebration cake with delicious coconut frosting.
Handmade Journal With Waves Cut Out of Japanese Paper Great Gift for a Writer - Etsy
Handmade Journal with Waves Japanese Crafts are so unique! Love this technique of Japanese book binding. Get free Japanese sewing patterns at http://www.japanesesewingpatterns.com/free-japanese-sewing-patterns/
DIY Projects & Crafts
Inexpensive and easy-to-find maps and map gift wrap were the perfect material for David Stark's paper mountain centerpiece seen on Martha Stewart Living.
Foto auf Holz DIY | Geschenktipp
DIY Valentinstagsgeschenk: Foto Transfer auf dreeckiges Holz | Holzbilder | persönliches Fotogeschenk selbstgemacht | Basteln | Deko | Do it yourself | handmade | Geschenkidee für Männer | Holz Dekoration Ideen | Anleitung | Tutorial | DIY photo transfer on triangle wood | gift idea for valentines day
Candy Melts Treats for Your Valentine
These delicious pretzel bites are surrounded in a bed of chocolate and topped with a cute little heart, making them great edible Valentine’s for kids and adults. One recipe makes 48 squares, so this is a great treat if you need to make a lot of goodies for a party or classroom.
Fabric Gift Bag Tutorial
Traditional-style Fabric Gift Bags Instructions DIY step-by-step tutorial. http://www.handmadiya.com/2015/10/fabric-gift-bag-tutorial.html