
9 Pins
How to Make a Cozy Hat from Old Upcycled Sweaters
upcycled sweater crafts, things to make out of old sweaters, upcycled sweater projects
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Make mittens out of a shrunken sweater.
<b>Thrifty homemade gifts that are good for the environment and keep children entertained?</b> 'Tis the season.
DIY 3-Step Scarf
Make It Now: DIY 3-Step Scarf | via The Honest Company Blog
"Lörppäpipon"/ruttupipon ompeluohje // Sewing directions for a loose jersey hat
Suunnittelin kaavan aikuisten ja lasten trikoopipoon . Löysin netistä muutamia ompeluohjeita, mutta ne kaikki olivat malleja, joissa on kak...