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Homepage - Business Tampere
My people. A joke for and about Finns: "How can you tell if a Finn is an extrovert?" <pause> "S/he is looking at *your* shoes." (still looking at feet....but not own feet. Finnish slay.)
Why I'm Learning Finnish! - Vagabond Baker
The reasons why I'm learning Finnish, and it's not why you might think!
How I'm Learning Finnish - Vagabond Baker
Previously I explained my somewhat strange reasons for learning Finnish, I thought I would share some of the techniques that are helping me to learn it.
Finnish Partitives & A Little More
Finnish is not the easiest language to learn, but it is pretty logical. The best way to learn a language is to have proper motivations. Such as you have no choice because your survival depends on i…
It won't won't work most of the time, but occasionally this is a good idea...
Important Finnish verbs