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40 Pins
Recept na VALENTÝNSKÉ cinnamon rolls 🩷
Milujete skořicové rolky? Vyzkoušejte náš recept na zamilované cinnamon rolls s lyofilizovanými malinami. To je teprve dobrota!
This may contain: homemade pie crusts being made in the oven
Caramelized Upside Down Apple Tart Recipe by halfacoco
20min · 2 servings Caramelized Upside Down Apple Tart Recipe • Ingredients: • Rolled puff pastry • 1 apple, sliced • Maple syrup • Sunflower seeds • Egg yolk • Icing sugar for dusting • 1. Pour 1 tbsp maple syrup on a lined baking sheet. Sprinkle 1 tsp sunflower seeds. Place 2 round slices of apple on the maple syrup and cover with a round piece of puff pastry bigger than the apple diameter. • 2. Brush with egg yolk and bake at 180c for 20 minutes until golden brown. • 3. Lesve to cool completely vefore turning over. • Dust with icing sugar and enjoy! • #appletart #puffpastry #recipes #maplesyrup #caramel
Nutella French Toast Roll-Ups - the BEST weekend breakfast ever!
These Nutella French Toast Roll-Ups are quick and easy to make and a fun, finger-friendly treat for breakfast or brunch (silverware optional). And did I mentioned Nutella is involved in this recipe? #frenchtoast #nutella #cinnamon #cinnamonsugar #fingerfood #easyfrenchtoast #brunch #brunchrecipe #breakfast #rollup
Nadýchaná zmrzlina s horkými malinami
Urodilo se vám letos nezvykle mnoho malin? 🍓 Nakupte smetanu, cukr a vajíčka a pusťte se do lahodné domácí zmrzliny. Ale takhle dokonale vyšlehat a umíchat ji dokážete jen s KitchenAid robotem a zmrzlinovačem. #magnumhome #recepty #zdravevareni #kitchenaid
Domácí Mixit zmrzlina
3 zmražené nakrájené banány • 150 ml smetany ke šlehání • 1 lžíce cukru • 25 g lyofilizovaných jahod od Mixit • Vše postupně přidáme do mixéru a mixujeme alespoň 45 vteřin. Dobrou chuť! • Recept vznikl ve spolupráci s https://www.instagram.com/davidvkuchyni/
Easy Cheesy Cauliflower Steaks | Healthy Dinner Recipe | Dinner Idea
Savor the flavor with our Cheesy Cauliflower Steaks - a healthy dinner recipe that's as delicious as it is nutritious. Elevate your dinner table tonight! Discover this and more in my profile. Bon appétit!
Invisible apple cake
Discover delicious snack and food recipe ideas for every occasion. From quick and easy appetizers to mouthwatering desserts, our collection of recipes will inspire your culinary creativity. Whether you're hosting a party or simply craving a tasty treat, we have the perfect recipes to satisfy your cravings. Explore now and make your next meal a memorable one.
Stuffed pears in puff pastry
There are a few more delicious autumn recipes before we start with the winter recipes! Just like these pears in a puff pastry coat. Ingredients: 4-5 pears, walnuts, a little honey, cinnamon, 1 puff pastry, 1 egg yolk.