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Try this quick hoop trick
Barrel rills are a fun illusion and an easy trick for any level ✨ Try the 28 Day Hooper’s starter pack for more fun hoop tricks and flow
Behind the Back Passes - Hula Hoop Tutorial
Around the World 2 Grip Variations - Hula Hoop Tutorial
Body Wrap or Hoop Hug - Hula Hoop Tutorial
Hoop Dance move in slow motion from the front and back. Directions: Let the hoop travel across your shoulders, around your body, like a big hug.
Hoop Flow🚀💫
Start the week off right with a new skill!🚀What moves are you working on right now?💫 #inspirationpost Artist✨: @amber_flowz ★ Think you’ve got flow? Tag us! #UltraPoi🌀 #FlowArtist #FlowArts #FlowArtsMovement #FlowArtsCommunity #FlowArtsFriday #Flowmies #FlowArtistofIG #FlowState #Flowstagram #FlowProps #PLUR #Circus #Meditation #Cirquegram #Cirque #LightShow #Wellness #Juggle #Fitness #Juggling #Poi #contactpoi #TechPoi #Houston #ObjectManipulation #MovementMedicine #Mindfulness #Healing
Moon Day Hoop Practice
Moon day, menstruating, bleeding humans...this one is for you. A gentle moon day practice to sooth upper body tenderness and abdominal cramps; to honor lethargy and dance with drowsiness. You will need: + a big hoop + moon days playlist (I’ll link it up there for you) + upper body breaks (lemme know if you need support) + soft belly (let it go) + rhythmic breath Choose a song or two from the Moon Days playlist - Upper body breaks with hand to belly - Upper body breaks with hand to heart - Ve
Try the 21 Day Challenge now
Unlock smooth, free flowing on body & upper body hooping Step by Step guidance from Deanne Love
HulaHoop Inspo🖤🍉
Expression is self care🖤🍉 #inspirationpost ғᴏʟʟᴏᴡ 👉🏼 @UltraPoi 👈🏼 ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ! Artist✨: @gabyschank ★ Think you’ve got flow? Tag us! #UltraPoi #FlowArtist #FlowArts #FlowArtsCommunity #FlowArtsFriday #Flowmies #Flow #FlowToy #FAIMedia #Circus #CircusPerformer #Cirque #LightShow #Juggler #Juggle #Juggling #Poi #contactpoi #TechPoi #SkillToy #ObjectManipulation #LEDToys #LEDShow #LightArt
Back Roll - Hula Hoop Tutorial
Hoop Dance move broken down in slow motion from the front and the back, featuring The Back Roll.
Yes! That's what the hoop does! (For more happy healthy humorous & creative hoopspiration please check out: www.HipTheHoopla.com & www.facebook.com/HipTheHoopla thanks! :) Also www.ToucheToon.com (cartoon humor) & www.DatingAndHandGrenades.com (relationship humor :-)
Die Treppe | Einfacher Hula Hoop Trick
Halte mit der rechten Hand den Hula Hoop und stell dein rechtes Bein in den Ring (geht auf der anderen Seite genau so). Dann hebe dein linkes Bein an und drehe den Hoop mit beiden Händen diagonal nach oben weg. Von hier aus drehst du ihn auf Kopfhöhe wieder ein und drehst ihn diagonal nach unten zur anderen Seite hin, hebe dein rechtes Bein und steige mit diesem über den Hoop, tadaa, nun hast du die gleiche Ausgangsposition auf der anderen Seite.