Kickback scooter

Dětský design Montovatelnost/ odrážedlo jako skládačka - dítě si může složit odrážedlo formou hry - montážní nenáročnost / může měnit jednotlivé prvky - sestavit si vlastní design Barevnost Čistitelnost
50 Pins
4 Sections
Interview: Tom Warmerdam of Demon Frameworks
With Bespoked – the UK Handmade Bicycle Show – only weeks away now, we thought we would take the opportunity to cover a few UK-based builders who will appear in that show. I met Tom Warmerdam, the builder and Star Wars aficionado behind Demon Frameworks, in the back of a cab going to a party …
B8 Handmade Frames | BME Design
The bamboo poles for the frames are well processed, at least 5 years old, harvested in China at an altitude of 1500 meters and carefully selected for each frame. The bamboo is connected with the carbon joints using a unique and proven method of joining. Birth To 24 Months - Toys & Games Editors' Picks: Toys & Games