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11 Pins
GoPro Awards
Photo of the Day! We hope you find your beach this Father's Day! Photo by Andre Phillip. Show us your best photos at #FathersDay #Beach #Paradise
Woodworking tips | diy woodworking | how to make
There are many different woodworking joints to choose from. But it can be hard to know which woodworking joints to use for which project.Make 16,000 Projects With Step By Step Plans ...even if you don't have a large workshop or expensive tools! Woodworking cool tools | carpentry diy | tool hacks | woodworking tips | diy woodworking | how to make | helpful hints #woodworkingtechniques #toolshacks #woodworkingtips #diywoodprojects #howtomake
Push Pin World Map (Pin Board) - Modern Slate
At the top of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. The world's tallest building. Loving the view you have from it. It such a weird thought that 20 years ago Dubai was just desert. Nowadays it's one of the biggest and busiest places on earth. #GoPro #city #dubai #burjkhalifa #travel #wanderlust