
51 Pins
Krajanie zakuskov, Zákusky a koláče, fotopostup
Pretože už viackrát tu bola otázka ako krájať zákusky, tak trochu som sfotila ako krájam ja. Z fólie som si urobila šablónu, jedna fólia po 5,5 cm a druhá fólia po 2,5 cm. Na hotový zákusok priložím jemne fóliu, najprv 5,5 cm označím a režem vlnitým nožom máčaným v horúcej vode. Potom použijem druhú fóliu a označím 2,5 cm. Fóliu dám preč a režem. Dúfam, že som niekomu pomohla radou, tak nech sa darí pri rezaní.
Ako ja krájam zákusky, Zákusky a koláče, fotopostup
Ako ja krájam zákusky , zákusky a koláče, fotopostupy | Tortyodmamy.sk
Polymer Clay Inspiration! - Nunn Design
You have heard me sing the praises of the polymer clay in the past, and this post will be no exception. Even if you aren’t into polymer clay, the inspiration and...Read More
Realistic tree trunk in mini size. #miniatures #dioramas #miniaturedioramas #painting #scalemodels #bayinwu #tutorialtuesday #miniatureart
Cakes By Carol - Top tip - to get grass effect I bought a normal household scrubbing brush (I did have a smaller one but took some time to do the board) they don't cost much and I've also used it for sand and teddybear furr! Just wash in warm soapy water after each use | Facebook
Cakes By Carol Top tip - to get grass effect I bought a normal household scrubbing brush (I did have a smaller one but took some time to do the board) they don't cost much and I've also used it for sand and teddybear furr! Just wash in warm soapy water after each use
Gold Crackled Fondant Tutorial
This is how I make my crackled fondant! All you need is a kitchen torch, some fondant and some gold! This is such a gorgeous effect for your cakes and easier to do than you think! My favorite part is crackling the fondant. SO satisfying!
Tutorial for double sided cake backdrop; this could also be used to make a lid (like a top for a box or makeupbag!). Hmmm!
How To Make Billowing Pillows for a Wedding Cake by Cakes StepbyStep
How To Make Billowing Pillows for a Wedding Cake *Decorar con Fondant - YouTube