Spoons and Spatulas

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Large offset burger flipping spatula in rippled walnut - chefs exclusive gift
Curly walnut serving and turning spatula in walnut. For burger grilling, frying or serving in style. Contemporary design, exceptional wood figuring, An excellent gift for the chef's kitchen. Contemporary utensil for modern kitchens. One of a kind, you get this exact item.Finished with mineral and lemon oil conditioner.Comes in regular recycled packaging. PRODUCT CAREHand wash with soapy sponge, rinse and wipe with a dry towel. Allow it to dry before storing away.Use a food-safe mineral oil, butc
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Tasmanian Huon Pine spoon I would love to try this shape in copper.
The Art of Spoon Carving: A Classic Craft for the Modern Kitchen (Dover Crafts: Woodworking)
7 Women of Woodworking You Need to Know About — Sylva Spoon