
11 Pins
Tammy's facial expressions by tamaraR on DeviantArt
Tammy's facial expressions > Door je emoties te uiten, laat je aan anderen zien hoe het met je gaat. >>> Ontdek spelenderwijs de taal van emoties. TIP's op
English Vocabulary for Weddings (Illustrated)
English Vocabulary For Weddings: Going to a wedding is always fun, no matter what language you speak. Who doesn't love getting together with friends and family, attending a beautiful ceremony and going to an amazing party afterwards? Despite this, for students of English, going to a wedding where English will be the main language might also be a little stressful. That's why we put together this list of English wedding words. In this lesson, you will learn all the vocabulary you need to be a gue
Shapes flashcard
Printable Shapes and Colors | Printable PDF versions : : Small size (3x3)