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Brian Greene Explains The Discovery Of Gravitational Waves
Brian Greene Explains The Discovery Of Gravitational Waves - YouTube
Paradox and Empyrean
The Dance of Venus. Venus' amazing pattern around the Earth. It does this every eight years. This extraordinary hi-res image shows Venus' path around Earth over 32 years and has been generated by legendary author, researcher and publisher John Martineau.
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Calabri-Yau manifold -- the representation of the 10 dimensions necessary at the string level of quantum physics.
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The Majestic Messier-104 Sombrero #Galaxy 28 million light years from earth and 50 thousand light years across ☄ By NASA Hubble Space Telescope
The Daily Galaxy - Great Discoveries Channel - Great Discoveries Channel
In August of 2007, astronomers located a gigantic hole in the universe. This empty space, stretching nearly a billion light-years across, is devoid of any matter such as galaxies, stars, and gas, and neither does it contain the strange and mysterious dark matter, which can be detected but not seen. The large void in the Constellation Eridanus appears to be improbable given current cosmological models. A radical and controversial theory proposes that it is a "universe-in-mass black hole." Jude13.
Paul Steinhardt of Princeton University has proposed a "Ekpyrotic Model" of the Universe that describes our current universe as arising from a collision of two three-dimensional worlds (branes) in a space with an extra (fourth) spatial dimension. The proposal is interesting in and of itself, but also because it is the precu...See More — with August Depner. Unlike · · Share
Everything You Need to Know About Dark Energy
The picture of an expanding universe implies that something cataclysmic must have occurred in the past. If we reverse the expansion of the universe and trace it backward in time, we appear to encounter a ‘beginning,’ at which everything hits everything else: all the mass in the universe is compressed into a state of infinite density. This state is known as the ‘initial singularity. ~~ John D. Barrow
The Strangest Black Holes in the Universe
The Strangest Black Holes in the Universe
Shape of the Universe - The Orange Theory
Shape of the Universe - The Orange Theory