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The Intense Ab Workout That Creates Curvaceous Core Muscles - GymGuider.com
When it comes to exercise for abdominals, focus on full-body weight movements (think any plank variation) rather than doing thousands of crunches. These are more efficient, burn more fat and calories, and help you stabilise all parts of your body, joints and especially spine to function better through your workouts. So skip the singularly focused arm or shoulder day and instead do squats or lunges while shoulder raising or overhead pressing.
Lahodná celerová pomazánka | NejRecept.cz
1 ksceler 3 lžícemajonéza 3 lžícezakysaná smetana sůl, pepř podle chuti pár kapekcitronová šťáva 3-4 ksvařené vejce 1/2 ksjablko