
403 Pins
Fra i titani del Salento - Natura e paesaggio
Fra i titani del Salento - Natura e paesaggio - Puglia
Awesome tree. Not sure if bent by anyone or not - will need to research...just loved the tree The Octopus Tree - bent by the Tillamook Indians in Oregon
The 3200 year old tree so massive that it had never been captured in a single image until recently. This giant sequoia stands 247 feet tall and measures 45,000 cubic feet in volume. The trunk alone measures 27 feet and the branches hold 2 billion needles (more than any tree on the planet). This picture took a team of photographers from Nat Geo, 32 days and stitching together 126 different photos to make.
An Ancient Chinese Ginkgo Tree Drops an Ocean of Golden Leaves — Colossal
An Ancient Chinese Gingko Tree Drops an Ocean of Golden Leaves
The Church of Mary Magdalene, Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, ISRAEL
Olive Tree in the Garden of Gethsemane ~ Jerusalem, Israel El olivo es una especie que puede alcanzar hasta los 2.000 años de vida. ¿ Alguno de los actuales olivos, habrá brotado gracias a las Divinas lágrimas de Nuestro Salvador ?
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