Ruční práce

1,313 Pins
This may contain: a hand holding two blue and white bracelets
String Bracelet Ideas, Friendship Bracelets, Summer String Bracelet, String Bracelet Projects
I think officially this is called a square knot, but we always called it a cobra stitch because of the way the knots lay across the center string and look like a snake belly! I love this so much! These bracelets work up so fast and are adjustable! The colors can be mix and matched. Get some number 18 nylon string to make these! You can get a lot of different colors from the link! Video Credit: cococraftshop on Tiktok!
This may contain: two hands are holding a black wallet with silver zippers and one hand is opening it
#aesthetic #брелок #ключница #косметичка
1.5M views · 13K reactions | Mini botas de Navidad tejidas a crochet en 5 minutos - Tejiend... | ¿Tienen 5 minutos para tejer? 😉 Hoy compartimos cómo tejer estas mini mini mini BOTITAS DE NAVIDAD a crochet 🎄 Miden unos 4.5 cm y son muuuy sencillas... | By Tejiendo Perú | Facebook
Mini botas o medias de Navidad tejidas a crochet
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