13 Pins
Fast fertig
ist unser TV Lowboard, aber nur fast. Die Inspiration haben wir von Pinterest. :smile:
DIY Cinder Block Computer Desk made by my lovely fiancé ...it's a great sturdy desk we ordered a red mouse and that gives it an extra pop !
Reclaimed Pallet Wood Wall by crtcreative on Etsy https://www.etsy.com/listing/227709312/reclaimed-pallet-wood-wall
How to Create a Wood Pallet Accent Wall | Hunker
How to build a pallet accent wall in an afternoon. Includes tips on safe pallets to use, and building wire pathways for mounting a TV.
Diese 18 Ideen für Betonziegel sind brillant. Nr. 9 ist wie aus einem Luxus-Design-Hotel.
20+ Creative DIY Furniture Hacks
20 Creative Furniture Hacks :: Turn a bookshelf into a cute storage bench!