
66 Pins
Finding Directions - Simply stand a 3-foot stick on end and place a small rock where the tip of the shadow falls. Wait ten to fifteen minutes and place a second rock at the point where the tip of the shadow has moved too. Draw a line between the two points. This is an east-west line. Place the toe of your left foot at the first rock and the toe of your right foot at the second rock; you will now be facing north. Anywhere on earth, the first shadow mark is west, the second east.
5 Tips to Start the Perfect Campfire - Way Outdoors
How to fell a tree and split the logs.
It was a great idea then.... so why mess with perfection? TRY thinking outside the box!!!!!
Binoculars | Survival Worx
Tactical stocking. What a fun Christmas stocking idea!
How to Start Prepping for Beginners
How To Build a One Sheet Boat — Having a boat can be great- you can catch your own fish, have fun out on a lake, or if the situations calls for it, get out of Dodge! Boats can be expensive, though, and if you can afford a larger one you’ll also have to worry about storing it.
MPHG tec2 by mrhd on DeviantArt
MPHG tec2 by mrhd.deviantart.com on @DeviantArt
Turned out MUCH nicer than spruce branches ・・・ ⛺ ・・・ Photo: @johnnyseagul ・・・