
33 Pins
Conoce los 5 términos de cocción para la carne roja
Hay para todos los gustos! En la cocina francesa se declaran cuatro términos de cocción para la carne roja; el punto que requiere un corte de carne se define por la receta o dependerá del gusto del comensal.
Faça o ovo cozido do jeito que mais gosta!
O ovo cozido no ponto que você mais gostar! Confira esta dica e muitas outras sem falar nas receitas deliciosas clicando no link da descrição. Confira já! #receitas #receitascaseiras #dicasdeculinária
Arrangement of cutlery – one of those things you realize you're not absolutely positive about whether or not you've been doing it correctly all your life
Twelve Essential Table Manners Topics
Excellent seating arrangements guide and serving etiquette information!
Claves para poner la mesa en Navidad
Claves para poner la mesa en Navidad
Steak Chart | Beef Cut Names
Butcher Know-how. What is that cut of steak? 11 cuts of beef you sould know. Check out this steak chart for the know-how and info on each steak cut. Now you can bond with your butcher.
Beef Passion on Instagram: “🎨🔪🥩 #map #cuts #cortes #cortesbovinos #carnes #beefpassion #açougue #sãopaulo”
Antipasto Skewers
I took this to a work luncheon and it disappeared in minutes. This is a great idea for buffet situations, since it is served individually and is easily eaten, even while juggling a plate. You could also add fresh basil leaves and drizzle the entire plate with Balsamic vinegar.
Úžasné jogurtové těsto, ze kterého připravíte pizzu, koláče, pečivo a spoustu dalších dobrot. Výborně se s ním pracuje a jednoduché | ČeskoZdravě.cz
Úžasné jogurtové těsto, ze kterého připravíte pizzu, koláče, pečivo a spoustu dalších dobrot. Výborně se s ním pracuje a jednoduché
Rychlý a jednoduchý recept na Karlovarský knedlík - Recepty pro každého
Výborný recept na karlovarský knedlík. Karlovarský knedlík je rychlý a chuťově opravdu výborný. Karlovarský knedlík děláme například ke svíčkové na smetaně.
The Ultimate Guide to DIY Salad Dressing
DIY Salad Dressing Recipes by shape: Much healthier than many of the ready made ones. Whisking your own dressing takes less than five minutes and tastes a hundred times better. Just remember the golden ratio of 3 to 1: three parts base ingredient to one part acid. Then add other accents and seasonings (including salt) to suit your palate. Soon you’ll be creating special sauces in flavors you’ll never find in a supermarket. #Salad_Dressings