
39 Pins
Catalog of works | Fundació Joan Miró
"Unorthodox Architecture I" by Spannish artist Edouardo Chillida. Chillida's work in general, and this piece in particular keeps inspiring me. I love the carved-out spaces, the dirt and harshness of the concrete and the archetypical feeling of architecture it brings to mind.
Kcymaerxthaere. Eames Demetrios. art_concrete_sculpture_poet_to connect_all over the world
IKEA's Space10 research lab explores the future of the meatball
Future of the meatball: The Artificial Meat Ball would be made from flesh grown inside a lab
ryuji nakamura
bench between 2 pillars_ sew process_ryuji nakamura
ryuji nakamura
bench between 2 pillars_ sew process_ryuji nakamura
ryuji nakamura
bench between 2 pillars_ sew process_ryuji nakamura