
110 Pins
“Burlesque is a style of dancing. It’s an art, like most dances, but it’s also something more. Burlesque is sensual and cheeky.” She shimmied her shoulders. ~A Beautiful Pointe by Julie Anne Lindsey, coming November 2013
BDSM Collar_Sub Halsreif_Edelstahlhalsreif
lockable, removable pendant Ring of O and a special key. You can´t open up the collar with an allen key. Use it as a daycollar or as your BDSM sign. Handcrafted in Germany, shipping worldwide.
Are Collars Essential In BDSM?
An image of a woman placing a pink BDSM collar around her neck. White text on a black background reads "Lessons In BDSM: Are Collars Essential In BDSM?". Image relates to a blog post about the importance of collars in BDSM play.