Projects to Try

179 Pins
Story Stones and Painted Rocks
I love that something as natural as a rock can been turned into something magical
Story Stones: How To Make And Play
A Crafty LIVing - Story Stones: How to Make & Play #storystones
Teaching Diversity AND Inclusion – The Egg Activity
Jewish Special Needs Education: Removing the Stumbling Block: Teaching Diversity AND Inclusion – The Egg Activity
This book was a favourite last year and once again this year. A wonderful story about feelings expressed by your heart. Thank you @ourkindergartenfamily for the inspiration for this provocation. We hope children are able to select a feeling rock based on how they feel and perhaps may even want to draw their feeling using the writing materials!
Making a-maze-ing marble mazes for the preschool classroom
Makkelijk zelf te maken met een deksel van een schoendoos en enkele dikke rietjes!
The theme is 'smooth' for today's #natureplayjuly and we had lots of fun separating natural objects into smooth and rough this morning. I made a venn diagram as some were a bit of both!.#howweplayandlearn #eyfsideas #earlyyearsideas #montessorikids #invitationtolearn #invitationtoplay #montessoriathome #montessoriinspired #reggioinspired #learningthroughplay #kindergartenactivities #learnthroughplay #entertaining_kids #openendedplay #preschoolathome #handsonactivities #littlelearners #sensorypla