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554 Pins
35 Printable Adult Coloring Pages That Will Help You De-Stress
Pin for Later: 50 Printable Adult Coloring Pages That Will Make You Feel Like a Kid Again Get the coloring page: Hand lines
Doodle Cubes – Art Activity for Kids
Doodle cubes are a fun art activity for kids that allows them to see how their 2D designs can translate into 3D designs. Great for spatial awareness!
Hand Op Art by x-Luna-chan-x on DeviantArt
Hand Op Art by x-Luna-chan-x.deviantart.com on @deviantART
circles - no instructions - but could do easily with simple lines and circle templates.
Art Elements using Hands
The Lost Sock : Art Elements using Hands
Kunstunterricht in der Grundschule - Grundschulkunst - Spaltschnitt Masken - Karneval
Smæk, smæk, smæk
Den her idé har jeg lige delt med børnehaverne og SFOérne i mit lokalområde som optakt til den årlige fælles børneudstilling i vores s...