
11 Pins
CIAM 4 and the "Unanimous" Origins of Modernist Urban Planning
Courtesy of THOTH Publishers Held in 1933 on a ship in the Mediterranian, the fourth CIAM congress and Le Corbusier's subsequent Athens Charter (La.
Flooding Mechanisms, Bra, Driva & Ribot –––––– AA School of Architecture Dimitra Bra - Lida Driva - Silvia Ribot Landscape Urbanism 2015 Professors : José Alfredo Ramírez - Eduardo Rico - Clara Oloriz – Flooding Mechanisms A New G...
DIVA for Rhino
DIVA-for-Rhino is a plugin which runs thermal, daylight, solar radiation, and glare simulations. Our goal is to bring validated environmental simulations directly to the conceptual design environments of Rhino and Grasshopper. Website: Location: Boston, Minneapolis, New York