
12 Pins
19 Companion Plants for Asparagus
How Are Male & Female Asparagus Plants Different? | Gardener's Path
Asparagus, the reigning edible perennial of the backyard vegetable garden, has both male and female plants. But how does this affect the way you grow and harvest these springtime veggies? Learn more about the difference between male and female asparagus plants, and why it matters. #asparagus #growyourown #gardenerspath
How Are Male & Female Asparagus Plants Different? | Gardener's Path
How Should I Feed and Weed My Asparagus?
What kind of fertilizer should I use in my asparagus patch? What can I use to control the weeds in my patch?” Question from Linda of New Providence, Iowa Answer: Asparagus is one of those spring vegetables... #asparagus #fertilization #fertilizer #feeding #fertilizing #weeding #howto
7 Clever Ways to Plant Asparagus
Asparagus spears grow best in the early spring when seeds are planted under two inches of soil. In the first year of growth, asparagus varieties like Jersey Knight do not produce a crop. However, during the third year, male and female plants are ready to harvest. #howto #plant #asparagus
How Are Male & Female Asparagus Plants Different? | Gardener's Path
Asparagus, the reigning edible perennial of the backyard vegetable garden, has both male and female plants. But how does this affect the way you grow and harvest these springtime veggies? Learn more about the difference between male and female asparagus plants, and why it matters. #asparagus #growyourown #gardenerspath
When To Fertilize Asparagus? [Beginner Tips]
When To Fertilize Asparagus? [Beginner Tips] | Green Thumb Gardener