
168 Pins
Umíte správně naložit maso na grilování? A víte, proč do něj nepíchat vidličkou?
Všichni si moc rádi pochutnáme na grilovaném mase, obzvlášť v létě. Jak ho ale připravit tak, abychom nezabili jeho chuť? Kde sehnat opravdu kvalitní steak, proč ho nedat na gril rovnou z lednice a jak poznat, že už je propečený? O tom všem jsme si povídali s Josefem Dvořákem, majitelem řeznictví a bistra Bůůček. #cestování #výlety #dovolená #wellness #relaxace #masáže #jídlo #sushi #restaurace #recepty #inspirace #tipynadárky #dárky
U souseda na grilovačce jsem se naučil nejlepší marinádu na maso. Nyní už maso jinak nepřipravuji. - Prodivky
Grilling skewer hack
We’ve made it simple to create your own homemade kabob recipes with a BBQ kabob maker that works with all types of meats. Make hotdogs, corndogs, gyro meat, hamburger rolls, and so much more.
Maui Wowee Grilled Ribeyes Recipe!
Maui is Wowee-ed by these Grilled Ribeyes! Okay, maybe that’s a bad dad joke, but these ribeyes were seriously delicious. After seeing my friend Bama Grill Master make a similar recipe, I knew I had to try it myself. I marinated them overnight and seasoned them with Spiceology’s Maui Wowee Blend. This pineapple and teriyaki seasoning is the perfect blend for a summer switch up when it comes to grilling.
Venison Rack with Wild Herb Butter Recipe!
Venison Rack with Wild Herb Butter for some familiar flavors on a new protein. We haven’t done much venison on this channel, so let’s talk about it for a second. Like most game meat, venison is a very lean meat. For this reason, we want to cook it slowly (careful not to overcook it) so that it’s tender when we go to serve the dish. Low and slow is the perfect game for a smoker, so that’s exactly what I did for this Venison Rack with Wild Herb Butter recipe.
Maple Cajun Smoked Ribs Recipe!
After falling in love with how Nashville Hot Chicken and Maple Syrup worked together on Chicken Lollipops, I decided to venture even further out with these Maple Cajun Smoked Ribs. Classically smoked Kansas Pork ribs using the 3-2-1 cooking method, but this time we seasoned in Cajun Seasoning, used maple syrup instead of honey in the crutch and glazed with a BBQ Sauce and maple syrup combo. It is spicy, sweet and freaking delicious. Let’s dive in! #sponsored #baconambassador
Rychlá marináda hotová za 5 minut, po které bude maso lahodné a šťavnaté - mojekuchyn
8 astuces pour réussir son barbecue et camper en exterieur
Démarrer facilement vos barbecue ainsi que vos piques-nique ! Pleins d'astuces pour accompagner vos grillades dans le jardin.