
36 Pins
This may contain: raw chicken pieces in a bowl on a wooden cutting board
How to Make Teriyaki Chicken Poke Bowls!
How to Make Teriyaki Chicken Poke Bowls!
Berry Bliss Pops
Indulge in sweet strawberry and raspberry fusion.
This may contain: a man with tattoos on his arm reaching for a hamburger that is sitting on a plate
Smash burger 🍔
1 🍔 👉 Dans une poêle avec 1 filet d’huile, dépose 2 boules de bœuf haché et écrase-les. Retourne-les quand les bords commencent à croustiller. Assaisonne-les et dépose le cheddar par-dessus. Dépose le couvercle sur la poêle. Une fois le fromage fondu, retire du feu. Assemble ton burger : étale la sauce à burger sur le pain, dépose les 2 steaks l’un sur l’autre. Ajoute des oignons caramélisés, 1 tomate, 1 cornichon et de la salade. Et voilà c’est prêt t’as plus qu’à te régaler 🤤 La sauce 🥣 :
This may contain: a woman holding two strawberries in her hands
This may contain: pancakes being made in the kitchen with butter on them and syrup pouring out onto plates
This may contain: a person is holding some pancakes on a plate with strawberries and syrup in the background
Japanese Soufflé pancakes!
20min · 2 servings @giorgiapaino (Instagram) INGREDIENTES: • 30 gr de farinha • 20 ml de leite vegetal • 2 ovos • 25gr de eritritol ou açúcar • 1/2 colher de fermento • Gotas de baunilha Preparo: • Separe as claras dos ovos das gemas, bata as claras do ovo em neve, adicionando o eritritol lentamente. Misture a gema com as gotas de baunilha, o leite e depois a farinha, certificando-se de que se livra de todos os gruminhos. Incorpore cuidadosamente as claras dos ovos com uma espátula de cima a baixo. • Cozinhe em frigideira antiaderente e sirva!
This may contain: a bowl filled with chocolate and marshmallows on top of a black table
Marshmallow+chocolate.. 🤍❤️😍😍