
125 Pins
JÓGA na lymfatický systém
Možná jste unavení, máte oteklé nohy, kruhy pod očima, nebo třeba celulitidu... A možná, že za to může nesprávné fungování lymfatického systému, který má na ...
Pět tibeťanů - cviky pro pružnost a omlazení.
Pět tibeťanů - cviky pro pružnost a omlazení. - YouTube
Detox with Yoga Twists – Free Printable PDF
Whether you've had a booze-filled weekend or ate too much cake at Johnny's birthday party, today's yoga class is designed to help you cleanse it out of your system. This yoga sequence is all about the twists! #yoga #twist #detox
How to Do Face Yoga For a Sculpted Glow, According to Skin Experts
4 anti-aging facial exercises for firmer, tighter skin
QUIZ: Find your personal yoga style
Find out your yoga style by taking this short quiz. Different days will lend themselves to different results. Bookmark this quiz -take it daily. #YogaInspiration
10 Fun Yoga Workouts to Help You Lose Weight
Yoga is a great way to lose weight and burn fat. These 10 yoga workouts are great in helping you lose weight quickly.