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My Picks for Newborn Twin Essentials, Part 2
We know you want to make your #kids happy and have created this broad #toys category http://stores.ebay.com/goldengloveproducts/Toys-/_i.html?_fsub=13726793016 to help you achieve that goal! More
Free Fabric Ball Pattern To Sew For A Baby - AppleGreen Cottage
A soft toy for a baby. A perfect baby-welcoming gift you can make in a really short time. Easy to make, this step-by-step tutorial takes you through your first sewing project.
Fast Sewing Projects: Under 30 Minutes-Pickystitch.com
30 Things to Sew in Under 30 Minutes More
Easing Back Under The Presser Foot
tag ball. Prefect for little kids who love to feel the tags in clothes.
Friday Favorites!
Sweet little bag of letters, perfect for learning!! You could do lower and upper case out of the same fabric!!
Tummy time ribbon taggie and links play mat. available from facebook.com/wiggleguts #tummytime #playmat #baby
baby taggie toy (say that five times fast)
Such a cute elephant taggie blanket.