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Protoss Wizard - Starcraft II / Diablo III / World of Warcraft crossover Want to see more? Like Kamui on Facebook Follow Kamui on Twitter Check Kamui’s Blog Watch Kamui’s Costume Tutorials Armor material is Worbla, which you can buy in Europe at MyCostumes or in the US and Canada at Cosplaysupplies
LARP costumeLARP costume - Page 3 of 255 - A place to rate and find ideas about LARP costumes. Anything that enhances the look of the character including clothing, armour, makeup and weapons if it encourages immersion for everyone.
Phoenix Dress by Jolien-Rosanne (Fairytas, NL)
Detail of the chest piece for the Phoenix Dress by Jolien-Rosanne (Fairytas, NL) - Album on Imgur--something that Lucy would wear
Creating a Sword with Foam and Worbla
Foam and Worbla Sword | Worbla's Finest Art -- I love when they add humor to tutorials
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I always want to dress up as a character that wears armor. I never decided on these costumes because I didn't know how I would make it.. until now
LARP costumeLARP costume - Page 11 of 258 - A place to rate and find ideas about LARP costumes. Anything that enhances the look of the character including clothing, armour, makeup and weapons if it encourages immersion for everyone.