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Africa | Dogon hunter. Bandiagara escarpment, Segou, Dogon Country, south Mali | © Krzysztof Pakulski
Africa | Elderly Dogon man. Bandiagara Cliffs, Dogon Country, Mali | ©Michel Renaudeau
Young Tuareg crafts wearing in her hair, Festival au Desert, Essakane (January 2008)
AFrica | The elaborate hair decorations worn by a Tuareg woman at the Festival au Desert, Essakane, Timbuktu region of Mali | ©Vincent Mendez Versal
Africa | Portrait of a mother and child, in the village of Senosa, Mali | © Phil Marion
A Mangbetu woman The Mangbetu people are from Central Africa - Congo. They believe that an elongated skull with a flattened forehead pleases the gods.
Kazakh father and daughter, Altai, Mongolia. With a population of about 15,800, Altai is one of the smallest provincial capitals in Mongolia in one of the least densely populated provinces in the country.
Face to face: Artist creates bizarre 'genetic portraits' featuring heads of siblings, parents and children spliced together
clever http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2209095/Ulric-Collette-Artist-creates-bizarre-genetic-portraits-featuring-heads-siblings-parents-children.html
Africa | "Young women with beautiful hairstyles". Timbuktu, Mali | Vintage postcard, photographer and date unknown