Patio Umbrella Ideas

Patio umbrella ideas for sizes, shapes and colors along with outdoor umbrella stands for windproofing. #patioumbrellaideas
60 Pins
Wooden Market Umbrella for Your Pool
A wooden market umbrella provides a timeless, classic look to your pool area. Choose from a pin, pulley or crank system to easily open and close it. #woodenmarketumbrella #poolumbrella #woodpatioumbrella #patioumbrellaideas
Rectangle Patio Umbrella Ideas
A rectangle patio umbrella shades our outdoor bar area for anytime shade. #rectanglepatioumbrella
Clamp On Lights for Patio Umbrella
We have several of these clamp on lights for our patio umbrellas. You can get one that uses batteries or one that is rechargeable. #lightsforpatioumbrella #patioumbrellaideas #patioumbrellalights
Patio Umbrella Base Weights
Place the patio umbrella base weighted bags over your outdoor umbrella stand. Fill it with sand to help secure and stabilize your pool umbrella. #patioumbrellabaseweights
Rectangular Patio Umbrella
We love how our rectangular patio umbrella shades our outdoor kitchen eating area. It keeps the granite from getting hot and keeps our guests cool. #rectangularpatioumbrella
Patio Umbrella Stands: Add Extra Weight
Stabilize your patio umbrella stands with extra weight using a weighted bag. Add one to two bags of sand and pour it into the weighted bag. Get a funnel as the opening is very small. The new design is made of heavy duty canvas with extra secure stitching and new with an improved extra large opening for adding the sand. #patioumbrellastands #addweighttoyourumbrellabase #nomoreoutdoorumbrellatipping
Rectangle Patio Umbrella with Solar Lights
Our new rectangle patio umbrella has solar lights so we can enjoy shade during the daytime and light during the evening by the pool #rectanglepatioumbrellwithlights #patioumbrellawithsolarlights
Rectangle Patio Table Umbrella
Our Sunbrella rectangular patio umbrella provides much needed shade to our outdoor bar area. #rectanglepatioumbrella #sunbrellarectangularpatioumbrella
Patio Umbrella Fabric Replacement
Did you know that when your patio umbrella fabric fades or you just want to change out the color of your existing pool umbrella, that you can buy a patio umbrella fabric replacement? #patioumbrellafabricreplacement
Striped Patio Umbrella
Go for the classic black and white patio umbrella or a more colorful yellow and white striped design for an updated look to your pool or patio area. #stripedpatioumbrella
Multi Colored Patio Umbrella
A multi colored patio umbrella adds a burst of color with a sense of fun to your outdoor seating or dining area. #multicoloredpatioumbrella
Rectangular Market Umbrella
Our rectangular market umbrella provides great shade for our outdoor bar area. #rectangularmarketumbrella #rectanglepatioumbrella
Patio Umbrella Base Ideas for Adding Extra Weight
You can add additional weight to your existing or new patio umbrella stand with these weighted bags. #patioumbrellabase #outdoorumbrellastands #windproofyourpatioumbrella
Best Patio Umbrella for Wind
The best patio umbrella for wind is one that is closed and tied so that the wind can't get up under the canopy to lift it from it's patio umbrella base. #bestpatioumbrellaforwind #nomorebrokenpatioumbrellas
Large Rectangular Patio Umbrella
Our large rectangular patio umbrella shades our outdoor kitchen counter and keeps us cool for our outdoor meals. #largerectangularpatioumbrella