Classy motherfucker ❤

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This Navy & Purple Smokey Eye Is a Must-Try Makeup Look - More
Eye Makeup Must-Try: Navy & Purple Matte Smoky Shadow | Ivy Boyd of Wake Up For Makeup for Divine Caroline
Stuart Reardon. Imagine waking up next to this sexy, scrumptious man. I would never get out of bed!
If tattoos are done well they accentuate the physic, but if they're done poorly they can be a complete turn off! Remember not to rush into any decision lightly.
Incredible Egyptian-style chest piece. I'd love to see how it looks filled in // sisi me gusta mas el chico q el tattoo ajja
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THIS. The whole "cleaning up the tough guy" thing is AWESOME. --- this picture here is a very important thing... okay! – Lifestylový magazín
Calvin Harris )
Stephen James Hendry. Best tattoo portraits I've ever seen.
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Art work by Jeral Tidwell .. really like the concept of this .. the tree will always grow, but it will be most loved and cared for at the roots .. awesome