
18 Pins
The Safest, Strongest Way To Deadlift
Tired of trying to memorize a book of deadlift cues and still getting hurt? Turn the lift upside down, transform the way you think about it, and revolutionize your training!
20 Simple Tips to Lose Belly Fat Besides Training and Diet Read the tips here - http://abmachinesguide.com/tips-to-lose-belly-fat-besides-training-and-diet/ #bellyfat #fatburning #flatstomach
The Ultimate Shoulder Workouts Anatomy
The Ultimate Shoulder Workouts Anatomy. We've put together this graphic of different types shoulder workouts. Knowing the anatomy of each muscle group is
Perna ( quadríceps, bíceps femural, adutor e abdutor) http://www.weightlossjumpsstar.com/weight-loss-exercise-rules/