Narozeninové dárky

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Make a bouquet of sweets all by yourself! 🍫 | Make a bouquet of sweets all by yourself! 🍫 | By MetDaan BeautyFacebook
How to: Geldschein zu Schmetterlingen falten So wirken Geldgeschenke nie wieder einfallslos! Im Handumdrehen lassen sich Scheine zu hübschen Schmetterlingen falten, die optisch richtig was hermachen. Alles, was ihr dafür braucht: - je Schmetterlinge zwei gleiche Scheine - etwas dünner Draht In unserem vorherigen Reel seht ihr, wie die Geld-Schmetterlinge zusammen mit einer Topfpflanze in Szene gesetzt werden können. #deko #dekoideen #geldgeschenk #hochzeitsgeschenk #schmetterling #geldfalten
21st birthday gift for my son. I bought mini bottles from the liquor store and hot glued them to bamboo skewers that I broke into different lengths. The cash is stuck to the skewer with a glue dot so it wouldn't tear when removed. There is floral foam in the bottom of the basket covered by tissue paper. Just stick the skewers in. The heavier bottles should be lowest since they'll topple over or come unglued from the skewer.
St. Patrick's Day Gift Baskets | Get Your Holiday On
St. Patrick's Day Gift Baskets That will Make You Extra Lucky!