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Dr. Koltypin suggests that the similarity seen in numerous megalithic ruins is evidence of a profound connection present in ancient sites, which were connected in one giant prehistoric complex. ancient-code.com/rewriting-history-a-huge-million-year-old-man-made-underground-complex/
Is The Sumerian King's List Evidence of A Lost Civilization? | Gaia
Sumerian King's List
Stone monument of the Assyrian King Esarhaddon
Stone monument of the Assyrian King Esarhaddon | by Assyria, Babylon, Akkad, Sumer...
IRAQ | Tourism & Archaeology
Assyrian king with symbols of the gods National M.of Iraq --- teach the symbols of ancient near eastern gods
Free Flashcard Maker | Chegg
mosul art museum | Lamassu, Citadel of Sargon II, Dur Sharrukin (Khorsabad). Ca. 720-705 ...
Hettite, moulds for metal, Paris (Kurt Bittel) (Erdinç Bakla archive)
Iran Persepolis _DSC6034
Iran Persepolis _DSC6034 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!