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76 Pins
How to DIY a Beautiful Rose Textured Pillow
A textured pillow can be an inexpensive and easy DIY project. In this how-to, we use an inexpensive drop cloth to craft a beautiful accent pillow. Home decor sewing project.
Móvil archivos - Broches de Fieltro
Cómo hacer un Porta iPhone con forma de oso en fieltro ✿⊱╮
Adventní kalendář - Skřítek Rudolf
ЛИЗА ДЕКОР - одеяла, одеяла, подушки, Andělky, аксессуары для дома
Rozprávkový vianočný škriatok ... - Jasmin Art
Pohádkový vánoční skřítek ...
Мастер-класс: милая детская игрушка из фетра
How to make felted toy bear. Click on image to see step-by-step tutorial
72 Sewing Projects for the Home
Sewing Projects for The Home - Cozy Pillow Bed - Free DIY Sewing Patterns, Easy Ideas and Tutorials for Curtains, Upholstery, Napkins, Pillows and Decor http://diyjoy.com/sewing-projects-for-the-home
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sock bear -- now I know what to do with all those lonely single socks...