177 Pins
Bee Hexed In - March for Melanie
Explore flossyblossy's photos on Flickr. flossyblossy has uploaded 745 photos to Flickr.
Size Comparison for Lucy Boston Patchwork of the Crosses - Quilt with Inklingo
Size Comparison for Lucy Boston Patchwork of the Crosses on http://www.lindafranz.com/blog/size-comparison-for-lucy-boston-patchwork-of-the-crosses/
Tutorial: English Paper Piecing
Hola chic@s, Aprovechando que estaba haciendo el quilt "Sunshine" que os enseñé en el anterior post , hice unas fotos (del proceso) para h...
Hexdens and English Paper Piecing
Hexdens and English Paper Piecing; heel leukdeze
dodecagon english paper piecing
Image result for dodecagon english paper piecing
http://ledidans.ru/post267338690/ — con Ana Kechichián e altre 2 persone.
Two quilt show statistics and two beautiful quilts
Many of you know that we had a "preliminary final count". The "final final count" is: Blast of Blooms had 208 quilts in the show (exhibit p...
Lucy Boston 'Patchwork of the Crosses' tutorial - PART 2 — Lina Patchwork
a good page full of pix on layouts for POTC hexagons.