
36 Pins
Collin Henderson is a Toronto based front-end developer and designer, and this is his workspace. This is my new workspace! I’m a web developer in Toronto, Canada, and when I’m not in the office downtown, this is where I get things done. It’s almost entirely from Ikea. The big computer is a 3.2Ghz quad core i5 27” iMac, and the laptop is my personal 13” retina MacBook Pro.
hardgraft . Fine Lifestyle Accessories With Down To Earth Aesthetics
Hard Graft iMac slipper completely useless unless you have an uneven surface like the one shown. Digg it regardless.
Grovemade's wood desk collection turns your Mac desktop into a designer paradise
Grovemade's wood desk collection turns your Mac desktop into a designer paradise | Cult of Mac. Love the Simplicity.
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LIFT for iMac, is a wooden base designed to specifically improve your posture and overall health while working at your desk. Research indicates that monitors and computers alike, should be at an eye level to prevent strain, and slouching. LIFT was made to raise your iMac exactly 3 inches to eliminate both these issues while sitting at your workstation.
love this desk + little gallery
One office - 5 different looks | Stylizimo
b&w workspace / stylizimo blog
Aflevering 6: kijken en shoppen (seizoen 1) | vtwonen
.a beautiful home workspace