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Window Box Ideas - Hyannis Country Garden
White petunias, Sutera and Lobelia are almost covering the three dwarf boxwood plants that were in the box all winter.
an urban coastal wedding - laguna beach
Live succulent wall: succulents, grapewood, moss, air plants and fungi caps. Amazing backdrop for just about anything.
Love just around the bend at Bella Madrona: Portland Garden Bloggers Fling - Digging
Succulent-filled wire sphere. Love just around the bend at Bella Madrona: Portland Garden Bloggers Fling | Digging
Decor Steals
INSPIRATION | TOPIARY FORM :: {DIY Charm} Wire Metal Topiary Dome, Set Of 2 (Two Pieces a Set) :: $25.50 | decorsteals.com :: [16"dia] Crafted of wire, the 2 pieces clip together to form a dome. :: This is a clever product, if only it wasn't so huge! I think you could make one... | #topiaryform #wire
Celebrating in Charleston - Quintessence
Charleston window boxes. Good idea for the shaded area of my dream flower/garden shed...
Nantucket window box
Great color combo - chartreuse sweet potato vine, blue scaevola, white bacopa and orange diascia or calibrachoas.
Charleston window box: Blue Hydrangea, Purple Oxalis, Silver Lamium, English Ivy. I am certain those hydrangeas would not feel at home in Alberta, but oh, this is SO pretty.