
14 Pins
Journaling Prompt, Self care, Journaling, Mental Health, DIY, Bullet Journal
Use this bullet journaling spread to take control of your mental health and self care! A DIY journal spread I created to ground myself when stressed. You can add your own questions in the journal bubbles.
May Bullet Journals - 30 Spreads to Inspire You
May is upon us! Are you looking for your next May Bullet Journal theme? You've come to the right place. Check out these 30 incredible May Bullet Journals! #maybulletjournal #maymonthly #bulletjournalmonthlyspreads #bulletjournalinspiration #maybulletjournalthemes
35 Times LinkedIn ‘Influencers’ Embarrassed Themselves And Got Dragged On This Twitter Page (New Pics)
2024 Songs of the Month Bullet Journal Layout
My bullet journal’s “spotify wrapped” Each month, I’m going to choose a song that either represents that month or reminds me of a special memory. Cant wait to see the finished playlist st the end of the year! #bulletjournaling #bulletjournalideas #bulletinboardideas #playlist #spotifywrapped #bujoideas #bujo #bujoinspiration #bujotheme #planner #journaling #journal