Learning Projects

209 Pins
FREE Printable Preschool File Folder Games
Looking for a fun, reusable way for preschoolers to practice counting, numbers, colors, and alphabet letters? Here are 8 preschool file folder games that will provide lots of learning fun and most of them are FREE!
Printable Quiet Book
Printable Quiet book for your littlest ones during all those times you need to keep them happy, learning, but extra quiet! It includes a huge variety of activities. Simply print, cut, create and use. Once completed, the book takes about 20 minutes for a child to complete and then they can use it over and over and over again! #printablequietbook #quietbook #quietbookideas #quietbookfortoddlers #quietbookforpreschoolers #preschoolquietbook #childrensquietbook
Using Basic Skill File Folders to Build Independence (with FREE Errorless File Folders) - Teaching Special Thinkers
Need ideas to work on basic concepts for your toddler, preschooler, or special education / speech therapy student? These basic skill file folders are great for kids who need something they can do on their own at their independent work station. They work on pre-academic foundational learning skills such as matching, letters, numbers, colors, shapes, categories, and sorting and can help teachers make learning fun! 8 FREE printable errorless folders!