Quotes, sayings, and affirmations to keep you inspired and motivated. Because everything is possible when you are confident in yourself.
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To be a leader, you must⁠ stand for something,⁠ or you will fall for anything.⁠ - Anthony Pagano⁠ ⁠ #womenwhowork⁠ #businessmum⁠ #mumboss⁠ #fempreneur⁠ #womeninbiz⁠ #girlbosslife⁠ #businessbabe⁠ #femalefounders⁠ #fempower⁠ #mompreneur
Don't be afraid of the risks when it works out you will be happier and when it doesn't work out you will be wiser. #quotes #inspiration #motivation #business #businesswoman #powerofwords #powerofwomen #risk #life #happylife #stepbystep #stepforwomen
Winning is not a "sometimes"⁠ thing. You don't win once in a⁠ awhile, you don't do things right⁠ once in a while, you do them right⁠ all of the time. Winning is a habit,⁠ unfortunately, so is losing.⁠ --Vicne Lombardi⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #qoutesoftheday ⁠ #money ⁠ #2020 ⁠ #positivevibes ⁠ #quoteoftheday ⁠ #lifestyle ⁠ #lovequotes⁠ #bosswoman⁠ #womenwhodo⁠ #girlboss
The spirit, the will to win,⁠ and the will to excel are the things⁠ that endure. These qualities are so⁠ much more important than the⁠ events that occur.⁠ - Vince Lombardi⁠ ⁠ #success ⁠ #day ⁠ #ambition ⁠ #follow ⁠ #likeforlikes ⁠ #inspiration ⁠ #girl ⁠ #health ⁠ #instalike ⁠ #me ⁠
If you have a burning desire⁠ and a plan to take action, there is⁠ absolutely nothing you cannot⁠ achieve.⁠ - Thomas J. Vilord⁠ ⁠ #lifestyle ⁠ #lifestyleblogger ⁠ #change ⁠ #bethechange ⁠ #diary ⁠ #entrepreneurlifestyle ⁠ #lifestyleblog ⁠ #changes ⁠ #lifestylechange ⁠ #mylifestyle ⁠
Don't you get it?⁠ This very second you could be⁠ doing something you love and⁠ dream about doing. So do it!⁠ NOW!⁠ ⁠ #changeyourlife ⁠ #changeisgood ⁠ #itsalifestyle ⁠ #exchange ⁠ #changetheworld ⁠ #lifestyles ⁠ #bloggerlifestyle ⁠ #motto ⁠ #nowherediary⁠ #makeachange ⁠
Accept the past for what it was.⁠ Acknowledge the present for what⁠ it is. Anticipate the future for⁠ what it can become.⁠ - Tracy L. McNair⁠ ⁠ #lifestylebloggers ⁠ #changeyourmindset ⁠ #healthylifestyles ⁠ #lifestylechanges ⁠ #lifestylebrand ⁠ #changement ⁠ #totallifechanges ⁠ #lifechanges ⁠ #changemakers ⁠ #lifechanger ⁠
Motivation is like food for the brain. You cannot get enough in one sitting. It needs continual and regular refills. -- Peter J. Davies⁠ ⁠ #lifestyle ⁠ #lifestyleblogger ⁠ #change ⁠ #bethechange ⁠ #diary ⁠ #entrepreneurlifestyle ⁠ #lifestyleblog ⁠ #changes ⁠ #lifestylechange ⁠ #mylifestyle ⁠
Successful people tend to become⁠ more successful because⁠ they are always thinking about⁠ their successes.⁠ - Brian Tracy⁠ ⁠ #makeachange ⁠ #lifestylebloggers ⁠ #changeyourmindset ⁠ #healthylifestyles ⁠ #lifestylechanges ⁠ #lifestylebrand ⁠ #changement ⁠ #totallifechanges ⁠ #lifechanges ⁠ #changemakers ⁠
It doesn't matter what you are⁠ thinking, or what fear you have,⁠ if you just do it! Action is the only⁠ thing that matters.. .I can see that at⁠ the end of my life, I am not going to⁠ look back and say,⁠ "I wish I had taken more action".⁠ -- Diana von Welanetz Wentworth⁠ ⁠ #lifechanger ⁠ #timeforchange ⁠ #newlifestyle ⁠ #instalifestyle ⁠ #lifechange ⁠ #awesomelifestyle ⁠ #changed ⁠ #timeforachange ⁠ #lifestylecoach ⁠ #lifestylemodel ⁠
Excellence is not being the best;⁠ it is doing your best.⁠ #inspirational #goal #business #affirmation
If we are to achieve results never⁠ before accomplished, we must⁠ expect to employ methods never⁠ before attempted.⁠ - Francis Bacon⁠ ⁠ #morning #boss #business #affirmation
To accomplish great things, we⁠ must not only act but also dream,⁠ not only plan but also believe.⁠ - Anatole France⁠ #success #positive #business #affirmation
The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure. These qualities are so much more important than the events that occur. --Vince Lombardi⁠ #morning #boss #business #affirmation
Don't limit your challenges;⁠ challenge your limits.⁠ #motivational #study #business #quotes