I hate Jennifer Lawrence

I hate this "actress". He is Gremlin.
34 Pins
Jennifer Lawrence - On her “loud” female fans: “They scream, they cry, and one almost fainted. [...] I don’t know what it is. It kind of makes you look at yourself.” (Letterman)
Jennifer Lawrence: Funny Faces! | jennifer lawrence funny faces 02 - Photo
This is the face I make at people when I've already said "hi" to someone at work and I'm passing them for a second time and have nothing to say. Man I love Jennifer Lawrence!
Working Full Time: Expectations Vs. Reality
Working Full Time: Expectations Vs. Reality - BuzzFeed Mobile
Jennifer Lawrence when she met Jack Nicholson. Hahaha, Jennifer is so funny and beautiful and cute. She is my current role model. Love her!
When my grandma compliments me - http://geekstumbles.com/funny/when-my-grandma-compliments-me/
19 Celebrities Making Frowny Faces! | SMOSH
Celebritys making funny faces | 19 Celebrities Making Frowny Faces! | SMOSH