fighting workout

12 Pins
The Unconventional 13-Minute Workout That Helps UFC Fighter Conor McGregor Knock Out Opponents In 13 Seconds
This training approach makes the UFC champion more agile, mobile, and dangerous—and it can make you stronger than ever before
The Ultimate Mixed Martial Arts Training Guide: Techniques for Fitness, Self Defense and Competition by Danny Plyler and Chad Beibert (Bilbary Town LIbrary: Good for Readers, Good for Libraries) Really good for fitness workouts
Mixed Martial Arts #MMA techniques. "Fastest growing sport in world" #IamAnAthlete
Fight Club Workout / What it works: quads, hamstrings, biceps, triceps, abs and core. #fitness #workout #fightclub
Top 5 Online Resources to Learn Krav Maga
5 best Youtube channels to learn Krav Maga | #KravMaga | Mada Krav Maga in Shelby Township, MI teaches realistic hand to hand combat that uses the quickest methods to attack the weakest and most vital targets of both armed and unarmed assailants! Visit our website or call (586) 745-1171 for more details!
Black Belt Shop
The Krav Maga Workout – Total Body Conditioning + Active Flexibility DVD
Krav training summer 2013 - Maintien condition physique
The Krav Maga Workout - 25 Minute Complete Cardio Workout - YouTube
Punching Bag Workout
Warm Up (10 min) // Six, 2-min rounds with 30-sec rest // Cool Down (10 min)