
16 Pins
Tomato Basil Avocado Mozzarella Salad with Balsamic Dressing
Tomato Basil Avocado Mozzarella Salad with Balsamic Dressing - You’ll love this refreshing, healthy, Mediterranean style salad. Made with fresh ingredients, it’s perfect for the Summer!
Avocado Pasta
Avocado Pasta - The easiest, most unbelievably creamy avocado pasta. And it'll be on your dinner table in just 20 min !
Tzatziki | griechischer Dip | Rezeptwelt Springlane
Tzatziki ist nicht nur bei den Griechen beliebt: Der cremige Joghurt-Dip mit Gurke Knoblauch und Dill ist kühl, erfischend und ganz einfach selbst gemacht.
Grilled Lemon Herb Mediterranean Chicken Salad
grilled lemon herb mediterranean chicken salad
Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad
This Chicken Caesar Salad is made with healthier ingredients and a vegetable enriched pasta adds an amazing and delicious texture!
Bowtie Chicken Caesar Salad - The Girl Who Ate Everything
Bowtie Chicken Caesar Salad - a great way to bulk up a salad is to add cooked pasta to it! Try it and you'll never go back.