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56 Pins
CindyEggleston's Daisy Turtle and Baby Buttercup
Ravelry: CindyEggleston's Daisy Turtle and Baby Buttercup
Crochet Turtle Pattern - Coasters
Turtle and Tortoise Coaster Set crochet pattern. Crochet these super cute coaster sets in the shape of a land turtle (tortoise) or sea turtle. A crochet pattern for 6 shell shaped coasters that store neatly inside a turtle shaped holder. When the coasters are out in use, the turtles can flip inside out to hide inside their shells! Click through to the website to watch the turtle flipping in action!
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Made to Order Giant African Flower Sea Turtle Stuffed animal | Etsy
【無料編み図】アフリカンフラワー【モチーフ】で作ったぬいぐるみがかわいい!【かぎ針】あみぐるみ - NAVER まとめ