
73 Pins
Hot Wheels Crack ups. I had a few of these different cars that had different impact spots, on the die, back, front. If you hit the impact spot it would spin around really quickly to reveal damage.
Matchbox Racing Car Transporter
Matchbox Racing Car Transporter | da Face Ache
MOD TRACTOR Matchbox Superfast 1 - 75 Produced 1972 - 1978 Number MB9...DE MI PRIMER COLECCIÓN..
Car Transporter - Matchbox 1976 - Series Nr. K-10 Mine came in a set with 5 cars!
K114 BattleKings Aircraft Transporter (wrong box) & K13 Aircraft Transporter (Silver)
K2 Car Recovery Vehicle (Blue with Ford Capri) & K2 Car Recovery Vehicle (Green with Jeep)