
28 Pins
Lightly roast the sunflower seeds and grind in a blender to a paste. We prepare syrup for 200 grams of sugar 55 ml of water. Take the egg white, add a pinch of salt and half a teaspoon of powdered sugar. We beat everything down to a dense state and add sugar syrup to it and mix with a blender. Add the resulting mass to the paste from the seeds and mix. We spread it in a mold and put it in the refrigerator until completely solidified. Take out and cut into pieces, halva is ready.
Domácí briošky recept - Vareni.cz
Fotografie receptu: Domácí briošky
Servietten falten für Weihnachten | ZWILLING.COM
DIY-Weihnachtsdeko: Tolle Weihnachtsdeko für die Weihnachtstafel - Servietten zum Weihnachtsbaum falten.