diy furniture

153 Pins
A black and white photo wall... Doing this to my new bedroom when my dad gets it move in ready!
How to Make a Pallet Wood Clock - Thistlewood Farm
How to Make a Pallet Wood Clock by www.thistlewoodfa... #pallet #clock #diy
Wine racks made from bed springs and reclaimed pallet wood
Industrial Pipe Sliding Barn Door TV Cover
THE BEST WAY TO HIDE THOSE TV'S! A super simple industrial pipe sliding barn door television cover. A great way to decorate around those TV's in any room in your home. See full tutorial on the blog.
23 DIY Birdfeeders That Will Fill Your Garden With Birds
I want there to be garden parties at my house every day. :D 23 DIY Birdfeeders That Will Fill Your Garden With Birds
25 Awesome DIY Ideas For Bookshelves
3. Bookshelf from Wooden Cable Spool and Ikea Casters I saw a spool like this at the construction site at work and almost asked for it- but idk how much they might weigh!!
Creative DIY Bookshelf Ideas, Plans & Tutorials • OhMeOhMy Blog
Creative DIY Bookshelves • Great Ideas & Tutorials!
How to Create a DIY Mason Jar Organizer | The DIY Playbook
Oh, this is so happening. I love you, DIY Playbook ( At first, I was thinking bathroom - but I'm also thinking kitchen? I know. CRAZY. Somebody stop me. (#whathasmylifebecome) (#whydomasonjarshavethiseffectonme)