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МК Птички крючком. FREE crochet pattern bird; Аmigurumi doll patterns. Амигуруми схемы на русском.
Головные уборы: шляпки, шапки и пр. - Страница 3
bonnet patterns
Some Headwear of the Middle Ages - Felt Hats
1.Sugarloaf Hat. Began as a Burgundian fashion (c1450), but quickly spread to neighboring countries. 2. Sugarloaf Hat. French fashion. 3. (c1380) 4. Burgundian (c1450) 5.... 6. An Italian Hunting Cap (early 14th Century) 7. Burgundian (c1450) 8. (c1480) As the Sugarloaf fashion went on, variations developed that stressed the patterns of wear that could occur (similar to the development of "finger grip" indentations on American Western Hats and Fedoras). 9. (c1480) A more extreme ...
Medieval Clothing and Footwear- 15th Century Women's Turban
Medieval Clothing and Footwear- 15th Century Women's Turban
Women's caps
Medieval Silkwork: Women's caps, based on an extant piece.
Sun bonnet. Would be good to make if we ever went on Trek...oh Gwen in a prairie dress and a sun bonnet? SO CUTE!!!
The trendy fox styles of winter headwear are ideal for coldest weather and make a great fashion statement of you. You will need: ¾ yd. of faux fox fur, 60"wide ¾ yd. of velveteen, 40" wide 3 yds. o...
15th Century Hat
I made a 15th c. hat! This hood is present in many 15th century images, and I've wanted one for a while. I finally made it while watching a ...
Bycocket - medieval lady's hunting hat, 14th century, recreated from felt, silk brocade with carnelian stones. MA
Honor Before Victory
Bycocket hat pattern. High fashion of the 14th century... Used in the SCA as a: 'Cap of Maintenance' Style (specific colours worn by members of SCA Order of Pelican...